Aliens Natural Defenses By: Xenomorphh
The aliens have two sets of razor sharp teeth, one large set, and one smaller one which slides out at incredble speeds, and with enough force to easily shatter a human skull.
Claws and Tail
The aliens main choice of attack is the claws, but the drawbacks of this are almost any marine can shoot them before they get close enough and, uhh, that's all I can think of. The claws are sharp and the hands and arms are strong, this greatly increases the damage. Aliens have extremely long and sharp tails, the point is so sharp that it tears through flesh like a butcher knife through tissue paper. The length and strength of the tail makes it very useful for hanging from ledges with hands free and picking things up, like victims.
Exoskeleton and Acid Blood
The aliens best defensive trait is probably its extremely strong exoskeleton, it is as strong as marine medium armor and has spikes on the back, the two large protrusions on the back of the aliens are filled with a huge amount of the acid blood and if you shoot these off acid will begin to fountain out of the stubs. If you ever happen to run into an alien (don't be afraid they're actually only fictional) aim for the knees, this will immobilize it and allow you to back away and hit it where it hurts, and kills.
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