Body Armour and Personnal Camaras
Body armour is a vital part of marine defenses, without which they would be very vulnerable to small arms fire and the aliens. Body armour, although very strong, is not acid resistant, it does absorbsome acid but they soldier will probably get hurt, unless he gets the armour off quickly. Personnal camaras, although not as important as armour, are good to have in a battle, they are neccasary for commanding officers to know when to pull their team out, Gorman, however, was not smart enough.
Smart Guns and Flame Throwers
Smart guns are the most powerful, reliable weapons in the marine arsenal, it is extremely accurate, to the point that bodies killed by a smartgun have a single hole burned through them. The guns have an optical enhancer which the gunners use to aim the gun at an enhanced level. The flame throwers used are not the conventional type (a stream of gasoline shot out in front of a flame), these one fire napalm jelly through a flame, the jelly sticks to it target and burns like hell. Getting rid of the flames requires a long submersion in water, of course, the aliens don't know that.
M41-A Pulse Rifle with over under Config. Grenade Launcher
The M41-A is the main weapon in the marine arsenal, it easily cracks through aliens exoskeletons and is very controlable. One of the great advantages of the pulse rifle is the over under configuration, pump action grenade launcher, this launches M15 grenadeswhich easily blow an alien to burning shards of bony plating, it works well to cause structural damage, too. Do not use grenades in close quarters!!!(DUH!)
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