The Aliens Trilogy is THE best movie saga, period. It beats Star Wars and it beats Anything you can throw at it. Aliens has great special effects, a great (Canadian :-) director, James Cameron (Aliens), another great director, Ridley Scott (not Canadian) (Alien), and Good actors, Bill Paxton (Aliens), Sigourney Weaver (All 4), Micheal Beihn (Aliens), Lance Henrickson (Aliens, Alien3). If you have any aliens pic's in .bmp, .gif, or .jpg. format plz e-mail them to me!
E-mail me you drawings, or short stories and I will post them on my site!
[email protected]
Remember to use the Image Map below, from there you can navigate my site. My Movie Info page is undergoing a major 'facelift' and there is almost nothing there. I now have put my image map on all pages of my site, enjoy!